Malum & Malus

Inspired by the meanings of the words in Latin ''Malum'' (apple) and ''Malus''(evil) this dilemma can be seen often in most of the mythical or epic ancient stories for instance by eating the 'malum' (apple), Eve contracted 'malus' (evil) or another epic story tells Paris from ancient Troy, one night before Troia was destroyed, walking in the woods, standing by the apple tree and the Muse threw him an apple and the next day Troia was destroyed, nothing is the same anymore once tempting (apple) is bitten. The apple is a staple of holy texts, mythology, folk tales, and fairy tales as the precursor to catastrophic events or tragedy. The apple metaphor as the seed of an evil will spread across the world. which still continues in modern times and the inspiration marks the beginning as a metaphor for wisdom, evil, devastation, curiosity, vulnerability and reward.

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Gökhan Bartu Yüksel

Istanbul Based Fashion Photographer and Director.