Veronica Now

Veronica is each and every one of us. She is the main focus of this intimate fashion film that uses visual allegory to examine the fracture between who we are and how we're seen by the people we love. As we embrace new partners, we accommodate their perception of us into ourselves. But when relationships end, we are left to wonder who we still are – and how much of their influence was permanent.


Gabriel Juduc

A writer/director with strong emotion-packed visual styles, who creates and treats stories for documentary-like, human interest images! Really versed in cultural content works. This short film has traveled the world to a few fashion film festivals. I am given to revealing the cinematic moments in stories. And would create and develop surrealist tales that mature into enchanting “intrigues.”
Filmography: "This is Marta" 2019; "No matter how tough the outer world may seem, you're only responsible for your inner one" 2020; "My family & I" 2021