Scandalo al Sole

Ava is a diva spending her holidays on the Sardinian coastline in between scandals and love affairs. Her boyfriend is a famous rock-star, but an unexpected fact makes Ava run away. She is soon discovered with a movie director. The couples are constantly chased by photographers and paparazzi. The movie reports their stories as a chronicle of a tabloid, leading us to the absolutely surprising finale.

Cast: Marta Pozzan, Francesco Maccarinelli, Edoardo Sechi


Giulia Achenza

Born in Sardinia. In 2014 she graduates in Fashion Styling at IED Moda in Milan. "Leakage" the video she presented for her thesis project, who won the first prize at the Milano Fashion Film Festival as the "Best Italian Fashion Film”.
That marked the start of her movie-maker career collaborating with brands and magazines: Marras, Armani, YSL, Vogue, I-D…