
In light of the promotion of equality, we forget about the polarity that is given to us by nature. This opposite is shown in the difference of energy, the demonstration of which is not immediately noticeable in the metropolis. Megapolis removes the gender and equates male and female energy. But only by losing the necessity of society, we can understand our origins and feel freedom.

Aphrodite is the oldest image of a woman who has hardly escaped herself from the gravity of society - an example that is not outdated at all. The example of the real woman which is relevant for the present time. She showed how nature and the acceptance of the self-energy can overcome rejection by society and get the title of the Goddess of Love.

Lina can't find a common ground with the city where she lives. Mental desolation becomes a habitual guide of her reality. Lack of similar attitudes and approaches to life from people around and the noisy city motivates her to leave away. By reaching the place of power, Lina notices a group of young women who are spending time in a meadow near the river. They are dressed almost the same, they have the same physique, but all young women have different faces. Lina decides to join the mysterious company.

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Kalyuzhnaya Anastasia and Kochergina Maria

A duo is a midpoint between two fields that produces the birth of a new meaning. We did not even know that we were the very fields. A passion for nature and an interest in studying of women was held by a thin thread in our homework at the Moscow Film Academy where we studied. By the end of our education, this thread had thickened, and we imagined what would happen if we escaped from the noisy, dark metropolis to the bright nature, saving our women.

I was born in Moscow, but spent my summer holidays with my grandmother in the village. For me, these trips were considered as a small freedom that I was trying to save for the upcoming school year. Rustic landscapes inspired me to observe how the sun sets, the sky is reflected in the water, and birds fly synchronously… This meditation brought me visions that I wanted to capture on a physical medium. At first it was painting, then photography, and then my passion for literature and philosophy led me to a new form of visualization - directing. It helps me remember that life is the polarity.

I grew up in Siberia. I was raised in a place where nature combines the emptiness of the steppes and the scope of the taiga, the greatness of mountains and the purity of rivers. When I moved with my parents nearer to Moscow, I was constantly missing something. It was a melancholy for the mountains that framed the horizon every time I looked out from the window. After that, I began to treasure what used to seem ordinary to me. I started to notice more around me and bring meaning to places where there seemed not to be it at all. When I found my tool, I started communicating with others in visual language. At first there were small portrait videos where I performed as an observer. Then there were short art stories and fashion videos in which I told about myself, my experiences and feelings on the topic of love and growing up. New questions and observations arise, and the further it goes, the more it immerses me into a wonderful world.