Proclamation Punctuation | 2018 Winner of Best Glam

“Proclamation Punctuation” is an enthralling fashion film centered on a fabulously fascinating woman reciting a short soliloquy paying homage to her love for using exclamation points in her missives. Periods are so period, where as an exclamation point livens up a sentence! There is simply nothing worse than a long dragged out sentence ending in an uninspiring dull dot! So when exclamation points are your philosophy on life, one must always keep it on the up beat!!

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Sewra G Kidane

Sewra G Kidane is a New York City based, award winning Commercial Film Editor, with over 10 years of experience editing with some of New York City’s top advertising agencies, networks and heavy hitters in the music industry. Her love for working with fashion and beauty based film projects lead her to want to direct her own and first fashion film.